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Site Of the Moment:

TriState Bigfoot
TriState Bigfoot is a Sasquatch research and investigation team located in southwest Ohio.

Rank Site In Out
1 Palo Duro Area Paranormal Society
0 0
A paranormal investigating team that is willing to travel where ever help is needed.
2 Ghost Hunters of Southwest Tennessee
0 0

Paranormal investigators using scientific methods to document paranormal activity in the Mid-South. 100% free and we don't do orbs!
3 Paranormal Research - Ohio Valley Endeavor
0 0

Paranormal Research Team investigates hauntings in the Ohio Valley.
4 Free Media Paranormal
0 0
English~ this is a German website,mit Poltergeist, Spukorte und Webcam's, Parapsychologie, Fakes und Mystery-unglaubliche Fähigkeiten und Geschenisse, etc.
sowie andere schöne Dinge.kommt und diskuti
5 Ottawa Valley Paranormal and Psychic Investigation
0 0

OVPPI was created out of our desire to investigate claims of paranormal phenomena in the Ottawa Valley Area. We offer the people a resource, in the region, for those needing help with hauntings, etc
6 CPEAR - CT Paranormal Encounters And Research
0 0
CPEAR is a community srvice paranormal research group dedicated to helping people in need of assistance dealing with ghosts and hauntings.
7 Ghosts! Are they real?
0 0

A former skeptics view on the reality and existence of ghosts, what they are and if the pose any danger to the living
8 ParaResearch Forum
0 0

Paranormal discussion community.

No need to register. Everyone is able to discuss, debate, and study all aspects of the paranormal!

Over 7,000 views!
9 GooseBumps Paranormal Investigations
0 0
GooseBumps aim is to give you more than just a night out. Really "Feel" the experience. What better proof is there that spirit exsists than to feel it for yourself. All of our experiements are done
10 American Paranormal Investigations
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API is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization in Sacramento, CA dedicated to providing potential solutions to complicated situations.
11 Memphis Ghost Hunters
0 0
We are the oldest and most experienced paranormal research group in Memphis. Our work has been featured on television and radio programs all over the world. We document film, video and audio forms of supernatural activity. Memphis has a rich past like no
12 Para4You
0 0
Grenzwissenschaft, Paranormal, Ghost, Ufos, Verschwörungstheorien, Haunebu, Quantenphysik u.v.m.
13 research investigators of paranormal
0 0
We are one of Southern ILL. top known groups.We also do classes and speaches about the world of the paranormal.We are always learning as well as expanding our equiptment.
14 Catawba County Paranormal Investigators
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Hi, and welcome to C.C.P.I. Catawba County Paranormal Investigators. This site was created for paranormal groups and people who are having paranormal activity. We are located in claremont NC, and ex
15 Pikes Peak Paranormal Society
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Pikes Peak Paranormal Society is a paranormal research group formed in the summer of 2006. We are located in Colorado Springs area and are dedicated to paranormal research, study, and helping people w
16 Virginia Investigation of Paranormal Science
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Paranormal group from Danville, VA.
17 Horizon Paranormal Research Team
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HPRT researches and investigates reports of possible paranormal events and folklore. We are a self funded group and all of our members volunteer there time to the study of the paranormal.
18 Thriller Nights Paranormal Investigation
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South Wales based team of dedicated paranormal investigators & spiritual mediums.
Public Events, Private Investigations, Spirit Rescue & House Clearances our speciality.
19 Ghosthunter Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Ghosthunter Nordrhein-Westfalen gehört zum Netzwerk Ghosthunter-United.
20 PURE Paranormal
0 0
PURE is a paranormal investigation team based out of Colorado Springs, CO and is a group of individuals who is dedicated to finding the truth behind the paranormal and unknown.
21 Unexplained Mysteries + Ghosts
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Ghost Videos, Photos and Paranormal Archive | Daily Dose of Unexplained Mysteries

22 The White Noise Forum and Saturday Night Paranorma
0 0
Ian Hickin and Bob Kelly Host Live Investigations, Live Lab Experiments, Live Chat, Multiple Screens, Special Guests, 4 to 8 Hours every Saturday Night. To View The Show and Load The Multi-Player go h
23 Voyage Into Paranormal Society (VIPS)
0 0
A Team of Paranormal Investigators and Researchers in the D/FW Area providing assistence,understanding and help for of those in need.Contact 24 Hour Hotline 972-704-5310
You are not alone We can Help
24 The World Of Unknown
0 0
A blog filled with true ghost stories, how to talk with the dead, and videos that make you question if there is an after life. Come check it out!
25 Werewolf/Mississippi Paranormal Investigations
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Mississippi Paranormal Investigations
26 NEPA Paranormal Society
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Were a small non profit paranormal group from Nicholson Pennsylvania,We want to help anyone who is having problems with the paranormal. Join our site its FREE :)
27 Arizona's Haunted Ghosts and Hauntings
0 0
Arizona's Haunted is a team dedicated to searching for the truth of the paranormal. We will actively investigate and fully research paranormal activity
in your home or place of business. We also provide a clear methodology and encourage full participat
28 kevsters paranormal investigations team
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this is a paranormal site, which im still building,but i am trying to get proof that there really is another side.
29 Hazleton Paranormal Society
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Home of the Hazleton Paranormal Society based in Hazleton, PA.
30 Pasadena Paranormal Society
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Small professional group based in Pasadena, Maryland with a focus on finding the truth through scientific study of the paranormal. Since we don't believe in orbs, the majority of our evidence comes i
31 Ghostseekers
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we are a paranormal investigstions team who host ghost hunts and investigations which are open to the public in haunted locations within the uk
32 Paranormal Ghost Searchers
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Paranormal Website dedicated to all you ghost searchers out there....
33 Castle of Spirits
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Castle of Spirits is one of the web's largest repositories of true ghost stories, also with articles on the paranormal and links to ghost tours around the world.
34 Indiana Kentucky Ohio Paranormal Society
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Indiana Kentucky Ohio Paranormal Society (IKOPS). We are a not for profit paranormal research group based in Cincinnati.
35 Australian Paranormal Investigation Unit
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The Offical site of the Australian Paranorla Investigation Unit based out of Tasmania Australia
36 The Phantom Tribe
0 0
We are a paranormal investigation group out of Indianapolis, IN. Our website shows our latest investigations.
37 Third Eye Realm
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We are a group of gifted individuals coming together as one seeking to establish relationships with parents, their children and others who have experienced, have questions or seek knowledge of the paranormal
38 Parks Paranormal Research and Investigation
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Family owned and operated, my team consists of twelve members who's personal experience and knowledge enables us to collaborate collectively and on separate occasions which simplifies the countless h
39 Ghost Hunters Of Southside Tidewater
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Ghost Hunters Of Southside Tidewater is a nonprofit scientific research and investigative group located in the Hamptonroads area of Virginia.

Our purpose is to scientifically research and investigat
40 World Oneiric Life Force Paranormal Research
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UK Midlands based Paranormal Research group who travel the United Kingdom and Ireland for search of answers to the paranormal.

Have worked along side of celebrities such as Most Haunted's Richard Fe
41 Southern Ohio Paranormal Investigators
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Home investigations, site investigations, and mentors.
42 Project: Paranormal
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Project: Paranormal is the Internet's premier paranormal community and information source.
43 Haunted Athens Ohio
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Haunted Athens Ohio features Haunted locations and urban legends from around the Athens, Ohio area.
44 GSIS Paranorma
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Wee see dead people
45 N.A.P.S. - Natchez Area Paranormal Society
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Blog Site dedicated to news, information, and updates regarding the Natchez Area Paranormal Society's investigations and developments, as well as general paranormal topics. Natchez, Mississippi
46 Paragals
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ParaGals Paranormal Research Teaam -Southern Indiana
and Western KY
47 Love Spells
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Love Spells for all, lost love spells, binding spells, soul mate spells, rekindle lost love and more, spell casting services for all the problems relation to Love.
48 Second City Paranormal Alliance
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Team of investigators based in Chicago IL, we do not charge any fees for services rendered and exercise all client's right to privacy.
49 P.I.N.K. Paranormal Investigations National Kinshi
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Paranormal Investigations Team
What scares you motivates us to find the truth!Contact us for your unexplained experiences.
50 Ghastly Girl: Paranormal News
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Paranormal news, reviews, and historically based ghost stories. Ghastly Girl contains an ever growing historically accurate database, Shopping Guide, and soon to come Investigator List

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